- Regarding the recent articles disseminated in several electronic media and in connection with the published Final Report of an Audit of the Financial Statement and audit of compliance of M-NAV GOJSC`s Skopje, we would like to notify you the following:
- Following previously conducted procedure for long-term debt to international financial institution, the same one conducted in coordination with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Transport and Communication, on 24.09.2013 M-NAV GOJSC Skopje signed a Loan Agreement with EBRD for providing funds for the “M-NAV Modernization Project/Macedonian Air Navigation System Upgrading – second stage”, without providing a state warranty, in the amount of EUR 11.150.000,00, the same being the fourth credit line concluded with EBRD whereby all project procurement processes and procedures are implemented in accordance to the EBRD Procurement Policies and Rules.
The Loan Agreement that was reached in the year of 2013 covers several project components for supply of communication systems, radar aids and meteorological equipment, but the supply, installation and commissioning of ATM system including technical-operating room is its primary component.
The above-mentioned Projects should have been realized by the year of 2017, but the same ones were not realized and up to that period the amount of the interest on non-withdrawn assets from EBRD was EUR 243.000,000. As the new Management Board was assigned in the month of August 2017, a Project audit (check) was done and significant omissions were noticed, particularly for the part of placing the strategic infrastructure on private land – the radar, this means that a monthly rent in amount of 500 Euros was to be paid to a physical person for a period of 20 years, thus causing EUR 120.000 damage to the Budget of M-NAV GOJSC, Skopje, then a Contract to be signed for commencing the construction of new room and new ATM system on a still non-provided, legalized land with AUP and Construction License.
At the end of 2017 and beginning of 2018, initially it was made a Contract for providing a land for the new room and the new system, the land was ceded by TAV, regarding this an approval was provided prior to contract signing, i.e. new Architectural Urban Plan was made and Construction License was acquired. Regarding the radar, a new location on state land was provided and the radar will be placed with no financial compensation. The stated omissions caused delay of the execution of these two projects covered by the Loan Agreement concluded with EBRD. We must emphasise that for a period of three years, the new Management brought four projects in their final phase and it completed the largest process, layout and method of operation of the ATM system, this was done in coordination with Eurocontrol Experts and with the Consultant from France, Egis Avia, thus commencement of its manufacturing was approved. For the other two projects, new technical specifications were made and the same ones are to be approved by EBRD prior to announcement.
- In the part of the Report which refers to illegal fuel consumption, court proceedings against the employees involved in this abuse, have already been initiated and completed and by following the court expertise, the financial damage was compensated on this ground.
- Regarding the statements for the employments, i.e. the employment criteria, the way of job rotations of the existing employees, the compensations for the overtime and regarding the part of the lawyer services, explanations were provided by M-NAV GOJSC Skopje, but they were not accepted from reasons unclear to us, so we are to follow the recommendations given by State Audit Office.
- We inform You that the activities regarding the compliance with the recommendation for the premise leased out for a canteen of internal type, which serves only to the needs of the employees, аre ongoing.
- Regarding the remark that the land, i.e. the administrative building Lazar Pop Trajkov completed in 2017 and where the Division of Financial and Legal Affairs is currently accommodated, technical check of the building has not been done yet, besides that several meetings were held with the competent authorities, now it is up to the Ministry of Transport and Communication and the Municipality of Centar to make the registration of the building in AUP. Namely, we emphasise that several state institutions are located in the building and M-NAV GOJSC Skopje keeps only 8% of the entire space.
- As one of the most significant results of the new Management`s work is the fact that the basic capital of the Company has been increased for enormous 5 million euros in the last three years, and a significant decrease of the unproductive expenditures was done, thus proving the commitment and the professionalism.
With respect