At the session held on December 16, 2008, the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia has made a decision to initiate the procedure for the establishment of a state-owned Joint Stock Company to perform the activity of air navigation service provider (ANSP) .
On March 10, 2010, the M-NAV GOJSC, Skopje obtained the Certificate of Ability to Provide Aviation Navigation Services MK-01/2010ANSP, valid for two years, issued by the Civil Aviation Agency.
Certificates of competence to provide air navigation services are issued every two years and are valid for two years.
Company name: Government-owned Joint Stock Company for Air Traffic Management and Air Navigation Services M-NAV GOJSC Skopje
Postal address: ul. “Bosfor” Nr. 7 , Mralino, 1041 Ilinden
Теl: +389 2 3148 100
Fax: +389 2 3148 239
Е-mail: info@mnavigation.mk
Internet: www.mnavigation.mk
Registration number: 6487726
VAT identification number: 4069009500116
Status of the Company: a state-owned joint-stock company
Standard classification of registered activity: 52.23 service activities related to air transport.
Transaction account:
Commercial Bank:
Аccount number: 300000002935935
IBAN MK07300701002543016
Ownership: 100% property of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia
Administrative authorities: Supervisory Board and Management Board
Nominal capital: 1.552.034.000,00 Denars or 25.226.275,71 Euros divided into 1.552.034 ordinary shares with a nominal value of MKD 1,000.00 for one share.
Number of employees: 297 for an indefinite period of time.