M-NAV Received Certificates of Appreciation and Contribution to SWIFT RESPONSE 2022

M-NAV Received Certificates of Appreciation and Contribution to SWIFT RESPONSE 2022

In May 2022, the Republic of North Macedonia, as a member of NATO, carried out the SWIFT RESPONSE 2022 military exercise at the Army Training Area of Krivolak, including combined air activities in parachuting, helicopter and aircraft landings with the participation of the armed forces of eight NATO member countries.

On the occasion of this event, M-NAV GOJSC Skopje, as an Air Navigation Services Provider, received Certificates of Appreciation for participation and contribution to the SWIFT RESPONSE 2022 exercise.

With this, M-NAV received more recognitions for its excellent cooperation with a number of organizations in the field of aviation.

M-NAV`s  Participation in SouthEast  ATM Summit (SEAS), Dubrovnik

M-NAV`s Participation in SouthEast ATM Summit (SEAS), Dubrovnik

Croatia Control (CCL) and DFS Aviation Services hosted the first South East ATM Summit (SEAS) held in Cavtat, on September 26 and 27, 2022. The following topics were discussed at the meeting

  • Remote towers
  • Training Opportunities
  • Airspace Management (AMC)
  • Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UTM)

Representatives from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Kosovo, the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia attended the Summit where it was tackled the current and future challenges in air traffic management, the complexity and diversity of which will be increased more and more. The focus was on new technologies and services for the optimization of the European ATM Network.

This event was a result of the cooperation agreement signed at the beginning of this year by CCL and DFS Aviation Services to set the course for future cooperation in commercial business, primarily covering the areas in aviation training and consulting, as well as the implementation of joint projects for ANSPs and airports in South East Europe

CCL presented the implementation of ATCOs in-house training as well as the AMC portal, specially designed for air space management taking into consideration drone operations. DFS Aviation Services presented their activities related to the development of processes and Remote Tower Regulations, a technology considered to be the future of the aerodrome control. All participants agreed that the event is a positive momentum, hoping to grow into a traditional annual event where the experiences and ideas for regional cooperation will be exchanged.



Early Warning and Early Action

Hydro-meteorological and climate information on disaster risk reduction

Weather, climate and water extremes have hit with increasing frequency and magnitude in many parts of the world as a result of climate change. More than ever we are exposed to multiple climate-related hazards developing as a result of population growth, urbanization and environmental degradation.

The forecasts of what the weather will be like are not enough any longer. Today, the emphasis of the forecast is on impact-based forecast and early informing the public of what the weather will do, which is of vital importance to save lives and livelihoods. Yet one in three people are still not adequately covered by early warning systems.

Greater coordination between national meteorological and hydrological services, disaster management authorities and development agencies is fundamental to better prevention, preparedness and response.

COVID-19 has complicated the challenges facing society and weakened coping mechanisms. The pandemic has also highlighted that, in our inter-connected world, we need to embrace a truly coordinated multi-hazard, cross-border approach to make progress towards global goals on climate action, disaster risk reduction and sustainable development.

Being prepared and able to act at the right time, in the right place, can save many lives and protect the livelihoods of communities everywhere, both now and in the future.

That is why the World Meteorological Day 23 March 2022 therefore has the theme “Early Warning and Early Action”, and spotlights the vital importance of Hydro-meteorological and Climate Information for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Visit to M-NAV, GOJSC by Mr. Blagoj Bochvarski, the Minister of Transport and Communications

Visit to M-NAV, GOJSC by Mr. Blagoj Bochvarski, the Minister of Transport and Communications

On 27.01.2022, in the premises of M-NAV, Air Navigation Services Provider (the building of Air Traffic Control), the Management Board of M-NAV led by Mr. Fahrudin Hamidi, President of the Management Board and ANS Executive Director, Mr. Vladko Krstevski – CNS Executive Director and Mr. Migjen Salmani – Executive Director of the Division for Financial and Legal Affairs, Development and Investments had the honor of welcoming Mr. Blagoj Bochvarski, the Minister of Transport and Communications and Mr. Bekim Rexhepi, Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications.

During the visit, the Minister had an opportunity to look in on our operating premises and to become familiar with our work.

Mr. Hamidi, the President of the Management Board informed about the start of the preliminary activities for the construction commencement of the new building with a total area of 1.200 square metres where the new ATM system will be housed, thus ensuring an increase of our capacities and modernizing our Organization.

As two years of Covid -19 pandemic crisis has had a major negative impact on the overall air traffic, M-NAV being an Air Navigation Services Provider has seen a drastic revenue decrease, but the Company team with joint efforts has managed to overcome it and to improve our financial indicators.

M-NAV continues with modernization of the air navigation system  which will enable handling of a higher air traffic volume and provision of the most professional and safe air navigation services.

Bilateral meeting between M-NAV  and Albcontrol

Bilateral meeting between M-NAV and Albcontrol

M-NAV GOJSC and Albcontrol participated in a bilateral meeting which was held on the 07th of December 2021 in M-NAV`s premises located at Bosfor,Mralino. The Members of the Management Board of M-NAV expressed their welcome and support to the Albcontrol delegation and gave strategic directions in terms of the expected level and the areas of cooperation between both ANSPs. Afterwards the meeting proceeded with the working group led by the CNS Department Directors and the Head of Systems from both parties present

The areas expected to be improved, improving the quality of services and the data exchange between both ANSP`s were issues discussed at the meeting. The status of the currently used infrastructure as well, possible technical solutions were discussed with an aim of improving the quality of the required communication connectivity, the possible formats of radar data which would be exchanged , as well as the possibility of integration of the OLDI data exchange into the new communication solution.

It was also agreed that a draft LoA for exchange of Data between Ohrid Radar and Porto Romano would be prepared

M-NAV in a bilateral meeting with SMATSA

M-NAV in a bilateral meeting with SMATSA

On November 4, 2021, a bilateral meeting was held with SMATSA colleagues in order to exchange experiences in the field of technologies for operational work, investments and modernization of our systems.

Regarding the Covid Impact, discussions took place about the current situation of our air traffic during this year 2021 and the financial situation, our plans and expectations for the next 2022 season, inclusion and implementation of the SECSI FRA initiative and changes in the LoA .