Each safe flight represents a new confirmation that the ATSEP personnel, those specialists who are responsible for the technical systems, aids and equipment required for providing air navigation services, are well trained and perform their duties in compliance with the highest standards. The Aviation Technicians and Engineers who are responsible for installing, maintaining, controlling and monitoring the air traffic control systems and aids, are actually responsible for flight data accuracy, integrity, availability and for continuous and smooth operation of the systems and the instruments without which the aviation could hardly be imagined. Neither the pilots are able to perform their duties nor the Air Traffic Controllers are able to provide clearances, instructions etc. without the data derived from the relevant aids.
Macedonian Air Traffic Technical Electronics Association is responsible for professional development of ATSEP personnel. MATTA has been representing the State in International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel (IFATSEA) for 25 years and it cooperates with ICAO, regarding the standards and recommended practices for the work of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel.
MATTA has actively participated in the preparation of the ATSEP Training Manual which is ICAO`s official document. Being a State the ATSEP personnel of which attends mandatory trainings and makes competence checks, we significantly have contributed to launching ATSEP training rules acceptable worldwide.
We are pleased to say that as a result of our many years of hard work and commitment, ATSEP personnel will soon become a world-class licensed staff, and will be included in ICAO Annex 1.
So far, as an Association, we have organized a meeting of IFATSEA Board of Directors, a General Assembly with delegates from around the world, an Assembly of the European group of IFATSEA, as well as a meeting of our member with the President of ICAO at ICAO headquarters. The association regularly has presentations at the annual assemblies of IFATSEA and we continue to be active and involved in the new projects of the international association.
At the invitation of the regional Director of Asia-Pacific Region and the Project Leader, Mr. Senthivvel Balasubramanian, the MATTA Association takes an active part in all phases of the preparation and research of the study “Human Factor Study of ATSEP”. The study and analysis has been conducted in stages and lasts one year, through research, webinars and intensive work. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 pandemics, the Annual Assembly 2020 was postponed and it is well known that the outcomes of important projects are sublimated at the said Assembly.
However, the Study was completed and it is classified as ICAO official document. The results of the Study are clearly defined factors, final consolidated measures and proposals for improving the condition in this area, having an aim of improving the safety culture and the professional engagement of ATSEP. The Study should help in work planning and organization and in understanding the description of work in reference to this profession. This is of great significance not only for the ATSEP personnel, but also for various international institutions, aeronautical authorities, air traffic control and for all other interested civil aeronautical institutions.
MATTA continues with the activities for enforcing the professionalism of the ATSEP, improving the training conditions, upgrading the knowledge as well as improving the working conditions. All this is a trigger for us that empowers us and encourages us for greater engagement, because only then we can achieve the core priority – maintaining a high level of air traffic safety.
Link to the study