On 9-10 December in Sofia, the President of Management Board of M-NAV and ANS Executive Director, Mr. Nikolche Taseski and the ATM Expert Mrs. Jasminka Gocevska attended Gate OneCEO Meeting with 13 ANSPs from Central and Eastern Europe, members of the Gate One Coordination Platform. They met in Sofia to discuss their strategic objectives and working programme in the context of the changing environment of the Single European Sky. During the meeting CEOs agreed on the importance of strengthening the strategic position of Gate One at European level and its cooperation techniques, bringing operational benefits towards the fulfilment of SES and emphasising its pivotal role as a key player in the decision-making processes in European ATM. In this manner, new Cooperation Agreement between CEOs was signed in order to incorporate the latest changes in decision-making processes in Gate One platform.

This meeting was of huge importance for M-Nav since the attendees made for a fruitful discussion on Gate One’s action plan for 2020, stressing on the pertinence of voicing common positions on prevailing topics such as emerging concepts in ATM, new business models for Air Traffic Data Service Providers, the future economic regulation on the ANSPs and the future of the Single European Sky.