Certificate for Competency to provide Air Navigation Services
Air Navigation Services Provider “M-NAV”, JSC – Skopje is a legal entity which holds a Certificate for Competency to provide Air Navigation Services and fulfills functions for provision of Air Navigation Services of the controlled Airspace of Republic of Macedonia. The Certificate is issued and verified by the State Authority – Civil Aviation Agency of Republic of North Macedonia and it is issued for two years period from the date of issuance. The Civil Aviation Agency of Republic of North Macedonia certifies that the Air Navigation Services Provider “M-NAV”, JSC – Skopje is compliant with prescribed requirements related to provision of Air Navigation Services. Being a Holder of Certificate for Competency to provide Air Navigation Services, the Provider demonstrates that it meets the requirements for Certification that include: competency and suitability, systems for safety and quality management, reporting systems and financial strength, security, ownership and organizational structure as well as human resources including staffing.
Approval Certificate to “M-NAV”, JSC, Skopje – Training Center for ATSEP
“M-NAV”-JSC Skopje – Training Center for ATSEP is certified by Civil Aviation Agency of Republic of North Macedonia for training of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel – ATSEP and it complies with the requirements prescribed in Regulation on training, examination, licenses and rating of the Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel – ATSEP. The Approval Certificate defines the competency of the Training Center to provide training of ATSEP for the following courses: Initial Training; System/Equipment Rating training; Continuation Training; Developmental Training and Instructor Training. The Approval Certificate is issued for two years period from the date of issuance.
Approval Certificate to “M-NAV”, JSC – Skopje- Organization/Center for Training of the AIS Personnel
“M-NAV”, JSC – Skopje – Center for Training of AIS personnel is certified by Civil Avation Agency of Republic of North Macedonia for training of the AIS Personnel and it complies with requirements prescribed in Regulation on training, examinations and certificates of competence of AIS personnel. The Approval Certificate defines the competency of the Training Center to provide training of AIS Personnel for the following courses: Initial Training of AIS Personnel; Pre on Job Training of AIS Personnel (FPL/Briefing, NOTAM/AFTN/CIDIN, PUB, MAP, PROC); On Job Training of AIS Personnel. The Approval Certificate is issued for two years period from the date of issuance.
Approval Certificate to “M-NAV”-JSC, Skopje -Organization/Center for training of the ATCs and assistant ATCs
“M-NAV”-JSC Skopje-Organization/Center for training of the air traffic controllers and assistant air traffic controllers is certified by Civil Aviation Agency of Republic of North Macedonia for training of ATCOs and assistant ATCOs and it complies with the requirements prescribed in Regulation on qualification, training, licensing and ratings of the ATCOs and assistant ATCOs. The Approval Certificate defines the competency of the Training Centre to provide training for the following course: Unit Training Plan, ACC Skopje; Unit Training Plan, TMA Skopje; Unit Training Plan AKL Ohrid; Unit Training Plan, assistant air traffic controllers;Initial/recurrent training for aviation security for air traffic controllers and assistant air traffic controllers in the Republic of Macedonia; Continuation training for air traffic controllers and assistant air traffic controllers; Continuation training for maintaing the level of English language proficiency; Continuation training for authorized competence assessors/examiners of air traffic controllers and assistant air traffic controllers. The Training Center boasts experienced training personnel and convenient equipment which allows training to be delivered in the best possible manner. The Approval Certificate is issued for two years period from the date of issuance.
Approval Certificate to “M-NAV”, JSC Skopje – Organization/Center forTraining of the MET Personnel
“M-NAV”, JSC – Skopje – Center for Training of the MET Personnel is certified by Civil Aviation Agency of Republic of North Macedonia for training of the MET personnel and it complies with the requirements prescribed in Regulation on qualification, training, examinations, licensing and ratings of the MET personnel. The Approval Certificate defines the competency of the Training Center to provide training of the MET personell for the following courses: Initial Training, AMF endorsement training; AMO endorsement training; AMF/AMO- Instructor Rating Training; Competency Refresher and Improvement Training and Refresher Training for Skills and Knowledge of Second Climate Influences at Airport; Training for Introducing new Operational procedures and/or Training for Introducing new Technical means and facilities. The Approval Certificate is issued for two years period from the date of issuance.