On January 16, Mr. Nikolche Taseski, President of Management Board of M-NAV and Executive Director of ANS and Mr. Migjen Sallmani, Member of Management Board of M-NAV and Executive Director of Division of Financial and Legal Affairs, Development and Investments held a working meeting with the newly appointed Director of Civil Aviation Agency, PhD Tomislav Tuntev.
At the meeting, both sides expressed full eagerness to strengthen the mutual cooperation between the Regulator and the Provider of Air Navigation Services, in view of increasing the air traffic safety over Macedonian sky and promoting the national air transport.
Also, the CAA leader, PhD Tomislav Tuntev has informed his interlocutors from M-NAV about the procedure of adopting Amendments and Supplements to the Aviation Act, which will ensure harmonization of the national aviation legislation with the latest international standards and recommended practises of ICAO.
Showing serious approach of both the Regulator and the Provider of Air Navigation Services in strengthening the mutual cooperation in all segments is of particular significance, having an aim of efficient handling (coping) with the anticipated increase of air traffic in the forthcoming period and timely compliance with all obligations imposed by the international organizations and institutions in the field of air traffic an transport.
Both parties have confirmed that they will strive for promoting the cooperation between M-NAV and CAA, and also they have confirmed their commitment to intensify the cooperation in all areas of mutual interest in order to provide safe, efficient and regular air navigation services. With an aim of keeping pace with the integrative operational processes of the Single European Sky Initiative, it was emphasised that mutual and coordinated activities of both organizations and their active participation in the current initiatives, projects and development programs of international aviation organizations is necessary.